Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Writing another post while waiting for Hubby to come home

March 3rd ----

Geez.  Last time I blogged I was waiting for Hubby to come home from a big European Trip.

He comes home tonight from India.
He's been gone a week.  Just 8 days.  For an international trip, that's pretty short for him.

He'll be home a week, then he leaves for a nasty one.  Russia.  New Zealand.  Who knows where else.

We had a truly lovely time in California!

Once I got over my guilt - wait! Have I gotten over that guilt yet? hmmmm..
Anyway even though I DID NOT create a miracle and DID NOT get everyone and everything packed up a day early and DID NOT accomplish everything I had to a day early despite being very sick the week before, we arrived as scheduled on Saturday.

We had two days in Disneyland, a day at the Wild Animal Park or whatever they call it now.  Disney was crowded, as expected on a Sunday, but surprisingly so on the following Thursday.  Yes, it was the Thursday after President's day, but geez, why aren't these people keeping their kids in school?  Surely the whole of the western half of the United States doesn't have the whole week off, like we do?  I thought we were an anomaly!  Pictures should follow here - I'll get on that.

It is always too short a time, and we drove back just in time to beat a very nasty winter storm that hit the next morning.  I had to drive down the canyon to fetch the dog and the guinea pigs, and had a rather harrowing drive home.  The canyon was closed to anyone without 4 wheel drive or chains.  I saw several cars off the road, some just spinning out in the slow lane, unable to climb the hill.  I do really like our car, by the way, with snow tires on we just trundle along past all the problems!

March 13th...
I keep not publishing posts because I think I'll get pictures uploaded.  At this rate, I'll never post again.  So until the pictures get added, I'll just put up the post.

Hubby got back from India, and left on Monday for New Zealand.  He'll get back in a couple weeks, be home for a day and a half, then head to Russia.
I like it better when he travels in the states.

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