Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Thing 2 and I ran errands today after Thing 1 went to school. She’s kind of been in a cranky mood this week. It kind of went along with her whole mood when she put one of the rented DVDs through the shredder. It destroyed the envelope, and only chewed up the first quarter inch of the DVD, but of course it was enough to ruin it. Luckily it seems they’re not going to make us pay for a replacement, the online rental company sees this has a hazard of online movie renting.

Today at Costco she was in the cart standing on another DVD I was buying. What is it she has against DVDs? Anyway, I just moved her off of it and said something along the lines of “Honey, don’t stand on it. The case will break.” Thing 2 picked it up and threw it. It didn’t really hurt it, the thing is shrink wrapped in its cardboard cover, but we don’t throw DVDs, that’s the rule. I said no, don’t throw it, and moved it to the other side of the cart. She grabbed it and chucked it again. I picked it up and carried it so she couldn’t throw it again. She got very angry and started screaming at me, standing up in the cart and trying to grab the movie. By now we had everything we wanted and were making our way to the checkout line. Unfortunately there was a line. Thing 2 continued to scream at me while we waited. She was leaning over the side of the cart howling. I picked her up and firmly sat her back in the cart, then started putting our things on the belt. If I didn’t have the roast we were having for dinner in the cart, I would have just walked away and left everything there. But I wanted the roast. In Costco the cart goes on one side of the conveyor belt and the customer goes on the other. I pushed Thing 2 in the cart up to one side, and walked around to the other side myself. She continued to scream. I ignored her, hoping we would get out of here soon.
A little grandmotherly lady came across a couple checkout lanes to say “It’s sure hard, isn’t it?” I smiled, not exactly sure what she meant. Shopping with a toddler? Suffering through the screaming? Then she said; “You’re doing the right thing.” Oh, trying to ignore the tantrum. “Thank you,” I said.
It was just funny to me to be in a position that other people would be encouraging me about my child rearing/ignoring.

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